Author: troythib_yd105s

Unsyncing 2 Focusrite audio interfaces

To unsynch two audio Focusrite interfaces go to “Focusrite Control” app on PC. Click on the gear icon to edit… read more Unsyncing 2 Focusrite audio interfaces

New Tune(s)

I finally finished up this song(s). I have two versions of it (slow and fast). I like them both, so… read more New Tune(s)

Lunch Fishing

I work from home on Fridays and this Friday I went fishing at the neighborhood ponds on my lunch break…. read more Lunch Fishing

When a Daiquiri is not a Daiquiri

South Louisiana has a lot of daiquiri places. They are all over. My hometown, Lafayette La I bet has a… read more When a Daiquiri is not a Daiquiri

Salsa…it’s fun to say salsa

I used to have a neighbor that made some salsa one day. I watched them put tomato, onion, peppers, cilantro,… read more Salsa…it’s fun to say salsa

Life Is Good

Recorded original music and hung out with friends, had drinks and watched live music with my best friend and wife,… read more Life Is Good

Spanish – where I am, where I am not

My Spanish is getting better very slowly, but it’s been somewhat at a plateau for quite a while. When I… read more Spanish – where I am, where I am not

CCCT Recording Session

I had a very productive session with the CCCT guys (Chad, Chad, Chris, Troy). Chad L rerecorded the drums to… read more CCCT Recording Session

Lunch Fishing

I’m not fishing for my lunch; I’m fishing during my lunch…to be clear.I went to a local Mexican supermarket and… read more Lunch Fishing

Damaged Faith: Contract Signed!

The reissued Damaged Faith album with be out on Roxx Records at some point in the near future. Rob Coldwell… read more Damaged Faith: Contract Signed!